Sunday, October 01, 2006

More vacation photos

Here are some more photos of our vacation-this time showing some of the peole we saw during our time in the US. Lets start by saying that this is not an inclusive gallery-unfortuantely we missed getting photos of a LOT of people, so if by chance we saw you but your photo isn't here please accept our apologies, we'll make it up to you next time! Most of these photos were taken at the wonderful picnic that Bev and Marie put togther for us on the whirlwind trip in New Paltz--and we cannot thank them enough!!!

Rick, Holly, Trink and Vai in Albany. We had been in the States all of 5 hours by now and had a great time hanging out on a beautiful sunny summer day!

With Lisa and Precious in New Paltz


Susan and Cindy

Kesuke--one of Christines students from SUNY

Bernadette and baby!

Karen and Adam

Sheila, Felipe and Hikari at Lake Minnewaska


Terry and Hikari

Mrs. Ruhe

Jean, Taylor and AJ

Christine's sister Laurel

Bob, Kathy and Mom!